Buen Camino
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Koa Mikaelah (she/her) is a third generation Latinx Medicine Woman of Indigenous Arawak Venezuelan and Taino Cuban ancestry currently living on occupied Lenapehoking land. Her teachings come from elders in the lineage of Curanderismo, Shamanism and Breathwork. She focuses her offerings on what she calls “Spirit Medicine” and believes that self healing is an act of decolonial, intergenerational, radical activism.










"Koa is a powerful healer who has a presence that radiates love, nurture, and acceptance. I felt immediately comfortable and at peace around her, as if I had known her my entire life. During our session my body was filled with deep vibrational love energy, I cried happy tears, and we hugged for a while afterwards, a long deep hug. I felt for the first time as though someone saw me for who I really am. "

 - Daniel, Breathwork Session, 2016