Intro to Helios + Solene x Free People : Be The Flame
Throughout her practice, Emily Mikaelah has trained with industry leaders in the fields of breathwork, reiki, sound healing, and crystal healing, integrating her teachings with her South American roots… Read on to get to know more about her magic.
This post comes to you from Emily Mikaelah, a Brooklyn-based energetic healer, teacher and spiritual development coach. She carries the ancestral teachings of the curandera women of Venezuela that have been passed down to her from the generations of medicine women in her family. In 2016 she founded Helios + Solene to create safe and sacred spaces throughout her travels to bring the powerful healing medicine of Spirit into the lives of others. She holds workshops sharing her practice with the community through group classes, women’s circles, and one-on-one private sessions. To learn more about her offerings, please visit her online portal.
As we evolve within our lifetime we shed identities of the past… like a snake shedding its skin, we release what no longer serves our highest purpose. We step into newer, more comfortable shoes, taking one step closer to greater alignment with our truth. Not each step is the same in distance, nor time, nor difficulty. Our path is a winding road with speed bumps and potholes causing unexpected detours and few shortcuts. Yet if we manage to take a moment for reflection, we’ll notice the wild flowers bursting through the cracks in the concrete. It is in this state of awareness that we acknowledge each detour has been gifted to us from the Universe, filled with soul shifting lessons, new adventure, and deep rooted self discovery. It is in this space that we find gratitude.
I like to think of our human identity as fire — the essence of the fire is the flame. It expands and contracts into its surroundings, dancing to fill the space it needs to grow rapidly, wildly, untamed. Yet at the core, the essence is still the flame. On my personal journey with the fire I have allowed it to morph constantly, to grow prosperous, rampant, and unruly. To fill the rooms, and the forests, and the valleys, and when the flames expanded too far past it’s essence it began to burn out. This is where things got interesting, because I could have walked away from the wildfire and lived a life far from the truth. Yet like a moth entranced by the light it drew me back in. I stepped closer and closer to the fire and it was then that I realized I didn’t get burned.
Peeling back the layers of the soul’s onion, I began to unlearn all of the teachings that I was told I needed to be “skillful”, I released all that was expected of me, I began to rewild. I followed the calling of the rose and the drum, I listened to the wind and heard her guide me. The closer I stepped towards the flame the deeper I began to embody my truth. I began to feel whole in ways that felt grander than the third dimension. I allowed myself to be held and nurtured by Spirit and felt such deep rooted love that it made my heart vibrate. I found myself dancing on the subways, singing down the sidewalks, smiling at strangers passing by me. And then they came- from all walks of life they began to gravitate towards the high vibrations emitting from my sacred body temple, ”What is your secret?” they would all ask. The answer was simple, “I woke up.”
Who am I?
My name is Emily Mikaelah Maria. I come from a lineage of Curandera women from Venezuela. My teachings are a compilation of all of the masters I have ever met, in this lifetime and previous, in the physical world and beyond. Generation by generation the women in my family have carried the sacred knowledge of the light, passing down the torch to those that felt called to work with, through, and on behalf of Spirit.
My grandmother Maria Lourdes Morillo was the matriarch of the family. They called her La Montes, The Mountain. She was a born onto this Earth an intuitive healer carrying all of the psychic gifts the Universe had to offer. She spent her lifetime helping others, traveling the world spreading the sacred medicine of Spirit to thousands of light seekers. During her lifetime she carried nine children, six of them daughters. Each child was born with an intuitive gift, the youngest being my mother Rosalia.
I was my mother’s firstborn and only daughter. I have the honor and privilege to be born into this Goddess tribe, to be surrounded by these magic women, to carry the blood of my ancestors in this body, and to be in service to the light. This is my flame.
Photo by Ash Lynn Photo
So who am I?
I am a manifestation of Divine love. I am a vessel of light, a messenger of truth, and a guardian of the sacred. I am a protector of the Earth, a sister to all. I am here to serve all who feel called to prosper, to love, to live their highest potential. I am a life artist, bird spirit, magic wombman. Daughter of the sun and moon, daughter of the ocean. I am the collection of all the women I have ever been, and all of the women I will become. In sacred service to the light, I am here to support you on your journey to your truth.
Mujer de la luna, Hija del mar.
I am here to share my story, and I thank you for lending your ear.
In love + gratitude,
Emily Mikaelah Maria